[23 JUL | 16:00z – 19:00z] [IR+GR+TR] Summer Evolving

We are happy to announce to you the Summer Evolving We all know summer for something, some love it cause they get sometimes free, some others cause they get to spend time with their families, and some others love it causes it’s the time WERE WE PARTY.We in the Iranian, Turkish, and Georgian division are pleased to announce itsparty time.Please join us in celebrating summer’s…

International ATC DAY Event

20 October 2019 – 15:00-19:00 UTC – The whole FIR Five online TMA Coverage of OIII, OIMM, OIFM, OISS, OIKB and some other Airports like OITT, OIKK, OIBB, OIZC. Choose your flights between the airports which have online control service within IR-FIR while the flight time be more than 1 hour, to celebrate this day together. Event Type: IFR – VFREvent Airports: Mehrabad – Tehran (OIII)…